Платные услуги (Paid services)

Об оказании медицинской помощи иностранным гражданам

On rendering medical assistance to foreign nationals

Ссылка на сайт Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь (The link to the website of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Belarus)

Ссылка на конвертер валют (Link to currency Converter)

Прейскурант цен для иностранных граждан

The price-list for foreign citizens

Прейскурант цен для иностранных граждан(EUR, USD)

The price-list for foreign citizens (EUR, USD)

Health care institution: Borisov central regional hospital

Juridical address: Borisov, 222120, 1812-year street, 9
Tel, fax (0177)740867, (0177)741035

Borisov central regional hospital includes hospital, five local hospitals, three special health clinics, two dental clinics, ambulance station and blood transfusion station. Well-developed network of preventive treatment organizations with modern equipment allow to provide medical care to more than 181 thousand people of Borisov region.
Everyday life of surgeons in the hospital is extremely tuff with lack of romanticism and a big deal of responsibility. Medical workers of surgery department provide treatment to patients with surgical pathologies. Department of purulent surgery provides medical care to sick people with purulent and inflammatory diseases, different kinds of infections.
Urological service decomposes all the possibilities for a wide range of surgical interventions in the field of genitourinary system, minimally invasive and conservative treatment.
Traumatologists carry out the whole complex of medical measures for injuries of the musculoskeletal system with the help of newest methods of surgical interventions and rehabilitation of patients.
With the help of modern technologies and methods, the highly qualified assistance of otorhinolaryngologists in cases of throat nose and ear diseases is provided which restores lost organ function.
It is difficult to imagine the health work without having a serious service of anesthesiology and resuscitation. A dense schedule of complex operations requires the availability of highly qualified specialists, who possess different types of general, regional and combined anesthesia.
Customer and patient care begins at the admission department. The employees of this department act professionally, quickly and efficiently because this determines the success of the treatment and the life of the patient.
At any hour of the day and night, the victims of car accidents as well as ordinary citizens with different pathologies are delivered to the hospital. A combination of practical experience of the employees of the operational department, modern equipment and the newest medicines allow performing complex operations at the safest level.
Using many years of experience, modern methods of treatment in outpatient clinics, a set of medical and recreational activities for acute chronic diseases, early diagnosis of diseases, preventive treatment with identified risk factors for life-threatening pathology are conducted. Preventative work of the outpatient unit is aimed at forming a culture of public health and preventing socially significant pathology.
To provide medical care to patients with skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections, serological, bacteriological and clinical laboratories are functioning on the basis of the dermatovenerologic dispensary, where modern laboratory diagnosis of STI and skin diseases are conducted.
New equipment, quiet friendly atmosphere are the most important components of the successful work of our dental service, which has everything necessary to achieve an irreproachable result - happy smiles.
Emergency medical care is one of the most accessible, mass and socially significant forms of providing emergency medical care to the population, the car park of which is constantly being updated.
Today, the work of doctors is inconceivable without computed tomography - a modern universal method of X-ray examination that allows not only to successfully diagnose many serious diseases at an early stage of development, but also to apply for the control of conservative and surgical treatment.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of ophthalmology in human life. To diagnose eye diseases, the employees of the department of ophthalmology use a large number of special methods that allow diagnosing pathological processes and timely treatment, while preserving the person's ability to see the world with their own eyes.
Wrong food, an unfavorable ecological situation - all this affects our body, including the gastrointestinal tract. Modern diagnostic methods used by gastroenterologists can identify diseases of the digestive system at early stages of development and conduct effective prevention and treatment.
In an era of stress, our experienced neurologists will identify the existing disorders of the nervous system and pick up adequate treatment, stop the development of the disease.
Clinical and diagnostic services are performed laboratory research using advanced technologies in diagnostics, prevention and monitoring of diseases. Experience and professionalism of clinicians, plus modern technologies and equipment allow achieving high accuracy of research.
The health of the Borisov district is one of the most important spheres of human activity designed to preserve and improve the health of citizens by calling them highly qualified curative and preventive care.